Bow-Eh's Blog Of Random Stuff

Just a random blog, of random stuff, and random Pusheen the cat pics. :3

I'm really sorry guys ;-;

I haven't been on in ages, have I?

That tis what Imma sorry for.


Just had a Mcdonald's and got Papa Smurf. I lost him. ;-;

Got some presents because my auntie, my cousin, my other cousin and my uncle just went to Turkey! (>:( ) My youngest cousin turned one there, so we got her some presents and such. x3

I got a bracelet, olive oil soap and turkish delight.


I joined dA but it failed so I'm making a new account on it.  No, seriously, it REALLYYYY failed. But Comet told me some stuff about dA so at least I won't be as newbie-ish. :D

Magnesium and Iron are dominated RESunite flock draw so I'm just goin on RESidentsunite now.

Me and Chill-eh had a deep chat about cats this morning.

Chill-eh : My dad's kitten is chewing my foot. THIS KITTY HAS CLAWSS!

Me : XD

What's he called?

Chill-eh : The kitten? He's called Tom.


Real deep. XD


I got into The Hunger Games score boards at second place (in the tributes challege) as Mew!!!! SQUEAALLL TIMMEEE GALLZZZZ!! :D