Bow-Eh's Blog Of Random Stuff

Just a random blog, of random stuff, and random Pusheen the cat pics. :3

Entries from 2013-07-31 to 1 day

Wow. O_o

Owl Whispers once bit her brother's rear end... Stella farts after eating eggs... Wut. That's just plain WEIRD. XDDD

I'm gonna start the shipping thing again on RES....

People keep shipping me with girls. I'll tell you my ships when I've made da thread. 030 Star accidently put 'Meh and MYSELF AND I 0-0' So everyone was like, ''someone's called Myself...''

It's me! :3

My first blog entry! :3 So, I make a roleplay with NO PLOT, some people join. I make the same type of roleplay with a TWO-PART plot, and guess what? No-one joined. .-. That's just... Bleehhhhh. :S I'm seriously starting to doubt RESidents …